Meet 29th July 2023 Written Update

Meet Written Update, Meet Upcoming Story

Meet 29th July 2023 Written Update

In today's post, you have been told about the upcoming episode of Meet 29th July 2023 Written Update. Sumeet is a person who fainted in the arms of Shlok and Raj. They took her to the hospital because poison from a necklace had spread through her body. Sumeet's deteriorating condition is due to the poison she ingested, which is spreading through her body.

Raj and Shlok disagree with the doctor's assumption about Sumeet taking poison voluntarily because they believe it was not a suicide attempt. There might be other reasons for her ingesting the poison. The doctor set a condition that they cannot administer the antidote to Sumeet unless they identify the specific poison that was given to her.

Shagun is a person mentioned in the article. When Raj meets her, she acts innocent and denies giving poison to Sumeet. Instead, she questions Raj about his involvement in trapping Raunak in a fake murder case.

Shagun questions Raj about trapping Raunak in a fake murder case, possibly trying to divert attention from herself as a suspect in giving poison to Sumeet. She may be attempting to manipulate the situation and place the blame on Raj for other alleged wrongdoings.

Shagun expresses her strong attachment to her son, Raunak, stating that she can do anything for him. She asks Raj to reveal the entire truth about how they sent Raunak somewhere, presumably to save Sumeet's life.

Sumeet's condition is critical, with her oxygen levels constantly decreasing, according to the doctor. When Raunak asks the constable for water, Shlok intervenes and attacks him, demanding to know which poison he gave to Sumeet, as she is now fighting for her life.

Shlok reacts aggressively towards Raunak, seemingly believing that Raunak might be responsible for poisoning Sumeet. He demands information about the poison used.

In response to Raunak's situation, Wonderboy's fans start protesting to free him. It's unclear why Raunak is in custody, but the situation seems to have garnered public attention and support for Raunak.

Meet 29th July 2023 Upcoming Story

Raunak uses blackmail by mentioning Sumeet's name to get Shlok to comply with his demand. Shlok gets angry with Raunak's tactics and ends up pushing him during their confrontation. It appears that the situation becomes tense between them.

Raj is in a helpless and emotional state while staying by Sumeet's side. He recalls Meet's words, which likely emphasize the importance of staying with his sister and not leaving her side.

Raj decides to tell Shagun the truth about Priya being alive, possibly as a way to clear any misunderstandings or secrets that might be affecting the current situation with Sumeet's poisoning.

When Shlok threatens Raunak regarding his identity as Wonderboy, it creates a difficult situation for Raunak. Shlok plans to reveal Raunak's real identity to his fans if he doesn't disclose the information about the poison given to Sumeet.

FAQs For Meet 29 July 2023

Q1. How does Shlok acquire the antidote for Sumeet, and what challenge does he face at the end of the episode?

Answer: Shlok acquires the antidote for Sumeet and is informed by the doctor that he needs to bring it within 15 minutes. The episode ends with Shlok contemplating how he will manage to reach in time with the antidote, suggesting a possible time constraint or challenge he will have to face.

Q2. What does the doctor tell Raj they need to do in order to help Sumeet?

Answer: The doctor informs Raj that they need to identify the specific poison that was given to Sumeet to administer the appropriate antidote and improve her chances of survival.

That's it for today's episode of Meet 29th July 2023 Written Update, stay with us to know about the upcoming episodes.

If You People Want to Watch The full Episode of today's Meet 29th July 2023, then for this you go to Google Play Store and install Zee5 App. After that you can Watch Full Episode of Meet Everyday. 

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