Meet 23rd July 2023 Written Update

Meet Written Update, Meet Upcoming Story

Meet 23rd July 2023 Written Update

In today's post, you have been told about the upcoming episode of Meet 23rd July 2023 Written Update. The episode commences with Raunak's henchmen launching a brutal attack on Shlok, causing him to drop utensils that catch Sumeet's attention. She wonders how there could be any noise coming from the closed Dhaba and begins to worry if Shlok might be inside. Meanwhile, Shlok's family becomes increasingly anxious as they realize he has mysteriously disappeared. 

At the same time, Raunak's malicious intent reaches a horrifying climax when his men light a fire and suspend Shlok, bound to a cot, above the flames. Delighting in Shlok's suffering, Raunak savors the video of the distressing scene before nonchalantly heading to the engagement venue.

Raunak pretends to be concerned when Poonam expresses her inability to get in touch with Shlok. However, he can't resist taunting Bitti, suggesting that she might need to showcase her talents, like flirting, to benefit him in finding Shlok. Naturally, Bitti is outraged by his insensitivity, but Raunak persists, urging her to focus on Shlok's presence at the engagement and question whether he will actually show up or not.

In the midst of Raunak's wicked plans, he schemes to take away everything Shlok cherishes, including Sumeet. Determined to find Shlok, Sumeet bravely enters the closed Dhaba, but he urges her to leave as Raunak's men begin to attack her as well. Remembering Meet's wise words about facing problems head-on, Sumeet gathers her courage and decides to fight back against Raunak's goons.

Amidst the chaos, Shlok cries out in pain from the scorching flames, but Sumeet acts swiftly to save him just in time. Summoning every ounce of strength, she struggles to pull the rope that suspends Shlok above the fire and eventually succeeds, freeing him from his perilous situation. As she embraces him in relief, Shlok gazes at her with admiration and gratitude.

Yet, the danger isn't over as Raunak's henchmen attempt to attack Shlok once more. Fearlessly, Sumeet uses burning coals as weapons, forcing the goons to retreat. Holding Shlok's hand firmly, she leads him away from the treacherous scene, determined to keep him safe and protected from Raunak's malicious intentions.

Meet 23rd July 2023 Upcoming Story

Sumeet fearlessly unleashes her fury on Raunak's goons, striking them with all her might and throwing burning coals at them to protect Shlok. He stands in awe, unable to believe the sheer strength and determination displayed by Sumeet. With Shlok's hand in hers, Sumeet walks proudly out of the Dhaba, leaving behind the defeated and stunned adversaries.

Meanwhile, inside the engagement venue, Dadi is distressed by the sound of glass breaking, and Poonam notices Dadi's reaction with concern. As tensions rise, Bitti's mother starts criticizing Poonam, blaming her for causing a scene and tarnishing their family's reputation. However, Bitti stands up for Poonam, defending her actions and asserting that Poonam did what was necessary to protect their loved ones from danger.

Confident in her love for Shlok, Bitti boldly declares her unwavering faith that he will arrive and get engaged to her on this very day. Little does she know that Raunak, observing the chaotic situation from afar, wears an evil smile, anticipating Shlok's failure to show up on time and eagerly awaiting the moment Bitti's reputation shatters in front of everyone.

Shlok's gaze remains fixed on Sumeet, his mind flooded with memories of their past encounters. On the other hand, Sumeet whispers to herself, vowing that she will never allow Shlok to be harmed in any way. The intensity of their emotions becomes palpable, setting the stage for a decisive moment that will shape their destinies.

That's it for today's episode of Meet 23rd July 2023 Written Update, stay with us to know about the upcoming episodes.

If You People Want to Watch The full Episode of today's Meet 23rd July 2023, then for this you go to Google Play Store and install Zee5 App. After that you can Watch Full Episode of Meet Everyday.

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