Meet 21st July 2023 Written Update

Meet Written Update, Meet Upcoming Story

Meet 21sth July 2023 Written Update

In today's post, you have been told about the upcoming episode of Meet 21st July 2023 Written Update. The episode begins with Sumeet crying helplessly as she questions Raj about why he kept the truth from her. Raj reassures her that she doesn't need to suffer needlessly, but Sumeet refuses to back down.

She is determined to prove that Sumeet Sangwan is not a liar. Unfortunately, people start trolling her and labeling her as a cheater. Amidst this turmoil, Vani calls Sumeet and delivers the news that Shlok is getting engaged to Bitti.

She pleads with Sumeet to come to Raunak's house. However, Sumeet firmly states that she is married to Shlok, not Raunak, and therefore sees no reason to go there.

Undeterred, Sumeet courageously faces them and cleverly responds that they have inadvertently given her an idea, she realizes that people tend to speak the truth when under the influence of alcohol.

Vani confronts Raj, questioning his motive behind trying to prove a lie as the truth. She manages to convince Raj that Shagun has changed and will take care of Sumeet as well. however, refuses to send Sumeet to Shagun's home and instead wants to bring her back to the Alhawat mansion.

In the meantime, Sumeet sends a message to Shlok, asking him to meet her at their favorite place. As she reminisces about the beautiful moments they spent there, Shlok arrives and asks her why she called him there.

Sumeet cunningly spikes his drink with alcohol, hoping that once he becomes intoxicated, he will confess the truth about their marriage. The episode concludes with Sumeet eagerly awaiting the moment when Shlok's inhibitions will be lowered, anticipating that he will finally reveal the truth they have been hiding.

Meet 21st July 2023 Upcoming Story

Sumeet discreetly retrieves a bottle of wine from her handbag and stealthily pours it into Shlok's coffee while he remains engrossed in conversation with the waiter. With careful precision, Sumeet keeps a watchful eye on Shlok as she skillfully blends the wine into his coffee, ensuring he remains unaware of her actions.

Mixing a significant amount of wine into the coffee, she quietly returns the bottle to her bag, ensuring no one notices her covert maneuvering. Sumeet's determination to reveal the truth about her marriage drives her to execute this plan with utmost caution.

Meanwhile, Shlok's observant gaze falls upon the two coffee mugs placed beside Sumeet, and he curiously questions her about the contents of his coffee. Sumeet's expression transforms into one of horror as she realizes that her plan might have been discovered.

Uncertain of how to respond, she fumbles for an answer, desperately hoping to divert his attention from the situation at hand.

Meanwhile, Raj, sensing Sumeet's distress and the growing complexity of the situation, formulates a plan to bring her back to his side. Raj sets out to devise a strategy that will absolve Sumeet of blame and help restore her dignity.

On the other hand, Raunaq and Shagun exchange wicked smiles, their sinister plan coming to fruition as they manage to expose Raj's true intentions to Shlok and Sumeet.

Their cunning scheme reveals the hidden truth behind Raj's actions, leaving Sholk and Sumeet astounded by the deceit they had been unwittingly caught up in.

That's it for today's episode of Meet 21st July 2023 Written Update, stay with us to know about the upcoming episodes.

If You People Want to Watch The full Episode of today's Meet 21st July 2023, then for this you go to Google Play Store and install Zee5 App. After that you can Watch Full Episode of Meet Everyday.

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