Kumkum Bhagya 9th July 2023 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 9 July 2023, Kumkum Bhagya Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 9th July 2023 Written Update

Today's Kumkum Bhagya 9th July 2023 Written Update, we have told you about the Full Episode in this Post. The episode begins with Ranbir anxiously asking Neha and Divya about Mihika's whereabouts. Neha and Divya playfully tease Ranbir, refusing to disclose Mihika's location. Despite his pleas, Ranbir desperately requests Divya and Neha to reveal where Mihika is. Just then, Mihika calls out for Ranbir. Ranbir rushes towards Mihika upon hearing her call. Meanwhile, Akshay notices Ranbir and Mihika together and starts contemplating their relationship. He observes that sometimes they appear genuinely in love, while other times their affection seems artificial. Intrigued, Akshay approaches Prachi to gather her thoughts on the matter.

Ranbir and Mihika confide in each other, expressing their concerns about their families suspecting their relationship. Mihika reveals that Visakha has grown suspicious, while Ranbir shares that Prachi and Akshay have their doubts as well. Determined to dispel these suspicions, Ranbir and Mihika decide to improve their act as a couple. Mihika suggests they showcase their chemistry through a dance performance, and Ranbir readily agrees. Divya makes an announcement to all the guests, informing them that Ranbir and Mihika will be performing a romantic dance together. The spotlight falls on Ranbir and Mihika as they gracefully sway to the rhythm of a heartfelt song. However, after the dance, Ranbir discreetly exits the scene, prompting Prachi to follow him closely.

Prachi approaches Ranbir, expressing her concern about him toying with Mihika's emotions. This leads to a heated argument between Prachi and Ranbir. During their exchange, Ranbir addresses Prachi as Yaar, which she rebukes, asking him not to call her by that term. The conversation triggers Prachi's memories of her past experiences with Ranbir. As a few guests approach them, Ranbir and Prachi put on polite smiles and exchange greetings. However, Prachi candidly tells Ranbir that she knows his supposed love for Mihika is merely an act. Ranbir counters by reminding Prachi of their dance performance, but Prachi dismisses it as mere pretense. In turn, Ranbir accuses Prachi and Akshay of feigning their love for each other. He makes a pointed remark directed at Prachi before abruptly leaving the scene. Prachi is left pondering over the events that unfolded between Ranbir and Rhea in the past.

Prachi approaches Ranbir, her curiosity piqued about what transpired between him and Rhea. However, Ranbir hesitates and expresses his reluctance to share the details with her. Later, Prachi takes the opportunity to address the guests, stating that they are unaware of the true love story between Mihika and Ranbir. Determined to uncover the truth, Prachi devises a game involving Ranbir and Mihika. Ranbir senses that Prachi is playing a game with him and becomes aware of her intentions. Prachi gathers Ranbir and Mihika, inviting them to take a seat. She explains that they will be answering a series of questions. Akshay poses the first question, asking when Ranbir and Mihika fell in love with each other. To Prachi's surprise, their answers differ. Ranbir quickly comes up with a fabricated explanation, attempting to conceal the inconsistency. Next, Manpreet presents the second question, inquiring whether Ranbir and Mihika are committed to loving and supporting each other for life. Both Ranbir and Mihika confidently respond with a resounding yes.

Prachi asks who fell in love first between them. Ranbir, sensing an opportunity, decides to share the entire story. He skillfully fabricates a tale, recounting how he fell deeply in love with Mihika, and then Mihika takes her turn, revealing her version of how she fell in love with Ranbir. The guests applaud warmly, appreciating their love story. However, Visakha silently departs from the scene. Manpreet and Prachi approach Visakha, concerned about her solitude. Manpreet inquires why Visakha is sitting alone, to which Visakha responds by questioning whether Manpreet noticed any discrepancies in Mihika's story. She further asks Manpreet if she believes Mihika's account. Prachi also expresses her suspicions, stating that something seems off about Mihika's story. Ranbir interjects and proposes a game for Akshay and Prachi, intending to test the strength of their love. He suggests a game where the male partner must identify his female partner among a group of women who have their faces covered. Today's episode of Kumkum Bhagya 9th July 2023 Written Update, comes to an End. To know about upcoming episodes, click on Read More below.

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