Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14th July 2023 Written Update

GHKKPM Written Update, GHKKPM 14 July 2023 Written Update

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14th July 2023 Written Update

Today's Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14th July 2023 Written Update, we have told you about the Full Episode in this Post. The episode begins with Savi jolting awake from a terrifying nightmare. In her dream, she envisions Swayam's family forbidding her from pursuing her studies after their marriage and subjecting her to torment. Still shaken from the dream, Savi tries to collect herself. Just then, Harini enters the room and notices her distress. Sensing something amiss, Harini asks Savi if she had a nightmare. Savi, unsure whether it was merely a dream or a glimpse of her impending life, expresses her concerns. Harini, curious about Savi's cryptic statement, inquires further. However, Savi requests some alone time and asks Harini to leave. Shortly after, Harini informs Savi that they have a lot of chores to attend to and requests her presence in the kitchen once she's ready. Confused by the excessive workload considering the engagement ceremony is scheduled for the next day, Savi questions the urgency. Just then, Ashwini enters the room and announces the arrival of Vinayak, whom Savi realizes is returning after a prolonged absence.

Avni and Durva enthusiastically gather around Nishi, capturing multiple photos with her to share on their social media accounts. As they pose, Shantanu catches sight of them. Meanwhile, Yashwant inquires about Ishaan's absence from the trek. Durva responds, playfully mentioning that Ishaan has found great company during the excursion. Shortly after, Ishaan and Reeva arrive home from their trekking adventure. Durva and Avni, upon noticing Reeva wearing Ishaan's jacket, teasingly make remarks about their closeness, leading to some playful banter. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Ishaan and Reeva quickly find an opportunity to escape from the situation, leaving Durva and Avni behind.

Bhavani approaches Harini and requests her to prepare Vinayak's favorite dish. Ashwini notices this and remarks that Bhavani is displaying favoritism between her grandson and granddaughter. In response, Bhavani denies any such distinction, claiming that her intentions are unbiased. She then instructs Savi to refrain from working in the kitchen and suggests that she should instead go to the parlor. Savi expresses her desire to attend college instead. Bhavani comments on Savi's decision, seemingly disapproving of it. Ashwini intervenes and appeals to Bhavani, urging her to allow Savi to pursue her college education. After some deliberation, Bhavani concedes and agrees to let Savi attend college. However, Bhavani makes it clear that she wants Savi to maintain her distance from Isha.

As Ishaan and Reeva prepared for the day, their minds wandered to the cherished moments they had shared together. Coincidentally, both Ishaan and Reeva emerged from their rooms simultaneously, exchanging warm smiles before setting off. However, Reeva's tranquility was disrupted when her father called her and inquired why she hadn't been in touch the previous day. Reeva, finding herself caught off guard, quickly responded that she had been occupied with various commitments. During their conversation, Reeva's father mentioned that wives often earn high praise from their husbands for their culinary skills in preparing delectable meals.

Savi paid a visit to Isha's place and warmly embraced her. They settled down and Savi began recounting recent events, sharing her thoughts and concerns. Isha listened attentively and nodded, acknowledging the details. Isha expressed her relief that they had both decided to pursue further studies after marriage, recognizing the importance of personal growth and career aspirations. Savi opened up about her apprehensions regarding her upcoming marriage to Samarth, revealing that she had been plagued by troubling nightmares. Surekha approached Asmita, expressing her concern about Shikha's persistent illness. In the midst of their conversation, Reeva joined them in the kitchen, offering her assistance. However, Surekha insisted that Reeva should rest and refrain from engaging in household tasks as she was their guest. Surekha excused herself to perform her religious rituals, leaving Reeva alone.

Reeva engaged in a casual conversation with Asmita, who revealed that Ishaan had a fondness for Moong Daal Halwa. Eager to please him, Reeva took it upon herself to prepare the dish. Shortly thereafter, Ishaan entered the kitchen and warmly embraced Surekha, who noticed his unusually joyful demeanor. Curious, she inquired about the reason behind his happiness, to which Ishaan replied, insisting that he was feeling normal. Surekha, noticing Reeva's culinary activities, questioned Asmita about the dish being prepared in the kitchen, considering they had already made Poha. Asmita informed her that Reeva was preparing Moong Daal Halwa. Ishaan immediately grasped that Reeva was making it for him and engaged in a friendly conversation with her.

However, Asmita intervened, pointing out that the English phrasing was incorrect. Reeva swiftly clarified that it was meant for herself, not Ishaan. Unbeknownst to them, Avni and Durva happened to overhear their exchange. Isha recommended to Savi that she should have a conversation with Bhavani regarding her concerns. Savi, however, expressed her doubts, stating that she knew Bhavani well and believed that she wouldn't be receptive to her perspective. In response, Isha pointed out that it is illegal to proceed with a marriage without the consent of the individual involved, emphasizing that they could involve the authorities if Savi desired to take that route. Savi was taken aback by Isha's suggestion, surprised by her willingness to confront the situation. Isha conveyed that sometimes one must stand up against both themselves and their own family members in order to pursue their dreams. Today's episode of Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14th July 2023 Written Update, The Episode End.

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